Roll The Bones
I serve as a partner and Design Director to Roll the Bones Theater Co. It brings everything I do creatively to the table. Graphic and environmental design work. Sound, lighting, and scenic design. I've been able to learn while doing alongside some of the brightest theater makers in the business. One of my goals after leaving The Times was to be featured in it one day as an artist. Our most recent production checked that box.
I'm currently responsible for a Roll the Bones re-brand
and overseeing implementation of the new identity digitally
and in print.

Scenes from Roll The Bones' Galleria Esperienza, 2019
An interactive photo and experience gallery.
I was responsible for sound design and took part in the build process.
The show ran for 8 months on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Scenes from Roll The Bones' EcoDao, 2022
A immersive audio installation and performance.
I was responsible for sound design and video.
The piece used spacial audio and live performance to distort an audience member perception of space and time. You'd leave with goosebumps, I promise.

Scenes from Roll The Bones' Dearly Beloved, 2022
An immersive farse set inside a real funneral home in Brooklyn.
I was responsible for sound design for 5 distinct spaces. We developed the show Murcury Store.

In 2023, we created Dead Letter No. 9, a novel experience for New Yorkers that blended excellent food and drink, with nightlife programing and an interactive experience at the center of it all.
"the audience wouldn’t leave"
The New York Times
"a well needed disconnect from reality"
The Knockturnal
"Everything that’s good about modern-day Brooklyn"
The Observer
"An immersive explorers dream"
No Proscenium
"A Theatrical Revolution In Nightlife"
INLOVE Magazine
As a co-creator, my responsibilities included concept development and implementation, sound design and sound rigging for the entire 5,000 sq ft venue, branding and all design needs, lighting design, scenic design support, and operations support.